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The Quarterly (Vol. 4, No. 1)
Evangelism Ideas That Work! Find out why The Quarterly is the best-selling magazine on Amazon by members of the church of Christ!
The best-selling periodical on Amazon by members of the church of Christ is back with a brand-new issue to start off 2020! If you’re interested in evangelism (and who isn’t?), you’ll want to pick this one up, as that is the focus of many of the articles!
This issue contains:
Real Thankfulness (An Editorial by Bradley S. Cobb)
Looking Ahead with 20/20 Vision to 2020 . . . and Beyond (Jim Mitchell)
Dealing with Life’s Interruptions (Jim Mitchell)
Never Take Someone for Granted (Devin Self)
Trail-Blazers, Path-Finders, Destination-Pointers, Tag-Alongs, Drag-Alongs, Sojourners, Pilgrims, And Faithful Path-Walkers (Gerald Cowan)
Choose Life (Travis Anderson)
I Bear In My Body The Marks Of The Lord Jesus Christ (Gerald Cowan)
The Marks of Christ (A Poem by Gerald Cowan)
The Samaritans and the “Other” Pentateuch (Dewayne Bryant, PhD)
Wilt Thou Be Made Whole? (Bill Howard)
Fit for God’s Army (Daniel Richardson)
The Destruction of Tyre (Richard Mansel)
Lifted Up (John Krivak)
Biblical Biography: Thaddaeus (Bradley S. Cobb)
Evangelism That Works (Mark Bass)
Enthusiasm Evangelism (Bradley S. Cobb)
Connection Ministry: How to Plan a Successful and Scriptural Church Event (Jason Floyd)
Reaching a New Generation with an Old Gospel (Perry Hall)
Cultivating Bible Studies Via Digital Evangelism (Stephane Maillet)
Respecting the Burden (Keith Stonehart)
Practical Bible Study For The 21st Century Christian (John Ratliff)
Are You Planting? (Michael Shank)
Jesus, the Cross, and Spiritual Death (Tom Baxley)
Israel A Time of Kings (David Dean)
Seasoning Our Words (Bill Howard)
Quotes to Contemplate
Listen (Tom Baxley)
Tabernacle Shadows: The Door (Mark McWhorter)
The Paradoxical Bipolarity of Restorationism (John Krivak)
Keep Yourselves in the Love of God(Kyle D. Frank)
A Review of “One Loaf, One Cup: A Scriptural and Historical Survey” (Samuel Stinson)
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